Monday, May 25, 2009

More SteamPunk Fun

So here are some more pics with minor commentary. Sorry for the long pic post.

Here, the feet are complete as well as the body. I had a design change from an upright Mech to more of a chicken walker like ED-209 or the AT-ST.



Here is the body. This side shows the gears...most of them. I am still finishing up some cogs and such.


And here is the pipe side with a better view of the Gatlin Gun (which is an authentic model from old Civil War pics)I have some more valve handles I want to add as well as maybe some chains (how I am going to make those out of paper-I'm still working on it)


Here are the completed legs on the body



Saturday, May 9, 2009

SteamPunk Mechanized Walker

Construction has begun on a steam driven mechanized walking manlike machine of epic proportions. Crews have finished the boiler and the beams for the legs. Issues with the driver canopy have surfaced. The designer has not decided on whether to have a nice comfortable seat under a canopy or house the driver in an armored carapace. Updates to come....




Friday, May 8, 2009

New Project-Steampunk Mech

So, after my 4th of July project-I received alot of compliments about my mech (which didn't burn). So I am creating a series of 10 inch steampunk mechs. I just started on my first one-but here is the original

Steampunk 1

Steampunk 2

Steampunk 3

And here is where the hand launched off as planned and exploded. The gun fell off after the first missle took off-then spun in circles while the other 5 shot out. Then the smoke came, but no explosion. It now sits in my window.......handless.

Steampunk 5