Lazy artist with a penchant for angering my wife and annoying my kid. Went to school for engineering and got bored. Went back for art and now work as a technical illustrator who wants to do more Flash and 3dsMax and not anymore ACAD work. Plus-I love doughnuts and bacon.
Here are 2 pics from the wedding reception. The reception was held in the Natural History Museum in LA. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. I am glad for the opportunity to be a part of this.
I took a comission to work on two masks for a wedding reception based on something I did several years ago. Here are the glamour shots that Elisa took. I will post the reception pics later (when I get them). Enjoy.
I am in the process of finishing up the back Engine Room-but need some supports. This is what I have come up with. Have been scouring the web for Victorian and Art Nouveau Iron Works. I am off to now paint the engine room because I can't go forward until it is installed. I will be back with some pics of that.